A Game of Inches

Healthy Heart, Healthy Lungs

Heart health is a popular topic of discussion in the medical world for longevity and overall health. What about the much less popular topic of lung health? The lung capacity of the average adult male is 6 liters. An athlete like Michael Phelps, however, has a lung capacity of 12 liters – double the average! In simple terms, this means that his lungs can transport significantly more oxygen to his blood and around his body than a normal person, hence his incredible athletic feats. Athletics is not the only benefit of a high lung capacity. The Framingham study discovered that lung capacity, and not heart health, was the biggest indicator of a long and healthy life.

It’s not just the amount of air that a person can pump throughout their body; the quality of the air is also very important. In the U.K., it is estimated that roughly 8% of lung cancers are caused by air pollution. There are many measures being implemented across the world to help reduce pollution and get rid of smog. With such an emphasis placed on clean air outdoors, it seems silly that more people are not interested in having clean air inside their homes, after all, many spend more time indoors than outdoors. A simple way to help with this issue is to clean the air ducts in a home every 2-4 years. This can not only reduce dust in the air but also increase the lifespan of heating and cooling systems. Professional cleaning services such as SoCal Indoor Air Services can help.
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Nutrition and heart health should not be overlooked, however. Proper diet and exercise can not only help a person look and feel good, they can also promote a healthy heart! Heart disease is the number one killer of people in the United States and everything that can be done to remain healthy should be done. My Fitness Pal is a great app to help count calories and help a person remain conscious of their food choices. Additionally, joining a gym like LA Fitness can be a great way to look and feel good. The bottom line is that there are many areas of life where being conscious of decisions choices can have a large impact on overall health.

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