A Game of Inches

A Game of Ounces

Every year, millions of Americans forgo sleeping in their beds and brave the outdoors for a night spent in a tent, somewhere out in nature. There are many different types of camping, ranging from car camping with everything you could ever need 15 feet away in your car, to monstrous backpacking treks ranging from a […]


Everyone Needs A Good Lawyer

The United States Constitution has proven to be one of the most important legal documents in recent history. It is the foundation, the bedrock, upon which our great country was built on. It is what makes America special and what differentiates us from countries around the world. The Constitution is what makes America, America. Because […]


Healthy Heart, Healthy Lungs

Heart health is a popular topic of discussion in the medical world for longevity and overall health. What about the much less popular topic of lung health? The lung capacity of the average adult male is 6 liters. An athlete like Michael Phelps, however, has a lung capacity of 12 liters – double the average! […]


3-D UV Printing

In a world of constant stimuli, it’s tough to grab a consumer’s attention. Brightly colored flyers compete to be read. Big bold fronts scream, “Look at me!”   Cluttered ads beg customers to read the newest, hottest deals. In essence, it’s hard to stand out in this day and age. Of course there are ways to […]


The Nuts and Bolts

The phrase “the nuts and bolts” is very common; it means the most basic, fundamental aspects of something. The nuts and bolts are what keep something together, allowing it to function and serve it’s purpose. They are essential in both a metaphorical sense and a real sense. A structure needs to have strong nuts and […]


Fun In Advertising

Imagine the cold and dreariness of January faded away and you were transported to the middle of July. Sitting on a warm beach, the sun bright in your eyes, watching as waves crashed onto the sand. There are people playing beach volleyball, lounging in the sun, and walking down the boardwalk. It’s a wonderful day […]


Significant Sensors

When I hear sensors, my immediate thoughts turn to a thermostat or the motion sensors that open up automatic doors. While both of these things are very important to the lives of Americans everywhere, many people don’t fully appreciate the significance of sensors to daily life. There are heart rate, humidity, flow, and conductivity sensors. […]


Treadmills and Trials

I don’t often go to the gym, but sometimes I am able a muster up the energy to go for a run on the treadmill. Like the average person, I always crank up the music to drown out my screaming muscles. When I went to the gym the other day, I started out walking on […]

Featured Post
"It's not just a game of inches - it's fractions of an inch when you are talking about Guitar Strings."
Featured Quote
"We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit." -Aristotle
The Devil is in the Details
"To create something exceptional, your mindset must be relentlessly focused on the smallest detail." -Giorgio Armani